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The Marginalized and Excluded Communities

Call for Proposal for Evaluation

Call for Proposal for Evaluation

The Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD) is pleased to call proposal from experts for an external evaluation of a project. For details see the attachment. Please also circulate the call to competent candidates.

Books Explain Tea Workers’ Deprivation

Books Explain Tea Workers’ Deprivation

The story of tea plantation workers of Bangladesh is one of captivity, deprivation and exploitation that has no end. Descendants of the indentured labour force, they remain tied to the tea gardens. Most of them are non-Bangalee, lower caste Hindu, Adivasis, Bihari...

Unity is Key to Resist Violence Against Women

Unity is Key to Resist Violence Against Women

“Violence against women is widespread and multidimensional. Besides physical and psychological abuse, there is another dimension of violence and that is hatred and contempt against women and girls that systematic in society. In Bangladesh, there are very few people to...

Brattyajan Resource Centre

Brattyajan Resource Centre

Brattyajan is a Bangla word (Brattaya meaning devotee + jan meaning people) that well defines the excluded and marginalized groups and communities of Bangladesh. From ancient times (Vedic age), the word means people who are devout, honest, simple and peace-loving....